The best way to create music is through feelings, it just comes from the heart and soul “ -Primal
Michael Stuzynski also is known as Primal is an American rapper from South Brunswick, NJ.
Primal had many struggles growing up but it never stopped him from doing what he loves most (music ), he was always into hip hop and art as a child and growing up it helped him get into drawing graffiti and writing music. After high school, Primal started pursuing his dreams of becoming a better rapper and started to take interest in music more than before.
Primal is the kind of artist that wants to inspire people and share his own personal struggles with those who are going through hard times. He has the energy to deliver what it means to be on stage and show who he truly is when he is being heard. Primal is a self-taught artist & every day he challenges himself to learn new things and goes from engineering his own music to writing it. Primal creates his music from emotions and how he feels during that moment( pain, stress, good times, vibes, struggles). Many Rapper had a huge influence but the one artist that made him rap was “House Of Pain” song name “Jump around “, although he may have many influences he was able to develop his own unique style. One day Primal will show people how to never give up on what they love because there is always a chance & there’s always someone who is listening to your song, that you may be helping. Always do what you love and use your gift to help others